The 7 Best Apps to Track Your Spending
Keeping an eye on your finances is the greatest defense against going into debt. It’s also an excellent way to save a lot of money. You need to be able to see every penny that comes into your wallet and every expense that needs to be paid. While there are numerous ways you can go about doing that, we feel that using the best apps to track spending is the best way to do it.
Therefore, we’ve come up with a list of the best mobile apps for you to download to get a handle on your finances. We looked for apps that had positive reviews, tons of features, and easy-to-use menus. Then we chose the ones that worked best for us, and we added apps from different difficulty levels. We feel confident that you’ll find an app that fits your needs and your skill level perfectly. Check out these seven apps and see if you can make at least one of them work for you.
The 7 Best Apps to Track Your Spending
1. Dave

We think the Dave app is one of the best apps to track spending because it functions as so much more than that. It does track your expenses and help you with your budget, but it’s also a banking app as well as a loan app. You can borrow up to $75 if you ever get in a crunch and need cash for an emergency. You can increase that amount to $100 if you sign up for a new Dave banking account. A Dave banking account comes with a debit card and access to other features such as transfers and a virtual debit card.
The Dave app is easy to set up. You can download it in only a few minutes and start using it right away. You’ll have to add a bank account, which you can complete within a couple of days. Once you set the app up, its technology will review your income and expenses and let you know how much you can borrow if you need it. The app automatically looks at your recent expenses and adds them to your budget. However, the budget feature is easy to edit, and you can eliminate items from your expenses if they need to. Other features of the app include predictive alerts, overdraft alerts, philanthropic tip usage, and access to a list of side hustles you can get to earn extra cash.
Ratings for Dave App
Google Play users rated this app with 4.5 out of five stars. Most people who used the app raved about its instant money delivery, timely alerts, and quick setup. We think you’ll be pleased with this app as it has made many people’s finances more manageable.
2. Fudget

Fudget is another app that we feel is one of the best apps to track spending. It’s a more basic app for budgeting, and it’s a hit with most people because of its ease of use. Setup is rather quick. The user can go in and manually enter all of his or her weekly or monthly expenses. Next, the individual can add the income that came in for the week or month. Marking off something as “paid” involves swiping the line item and removing the expense from the list. New users can learn how to navigate the app rather quickly.
Other features included in the app are list creation, future budgets, one-tap editing, passcode locking, and optional date columns.
Ratings for Fudget App
The app has a rating of 4.7 stars out of five stars on the Google Playstore. Most people who gave it such high ratings did so because of its ease of use. A majority of people who used the app said that they had been using it for many years and do not intend to stop using it any time in the near future.
3. Expenses: Simple Tracker

The Expenses app is easily one of the best apps to track spending if you want the most basic function. This app is easy for anyone to use, and it does exactly what it says it’s there to do. All you need to do with this app is manually enter everything you spend. You can hit the red button for “add expenses” to enter a new item. Give the item a title, add the amount, attach tags to it, click the date that you spent the money, and then hit the “save” button. That will keep the item on your expense list.
To review your expenses, you can choose this month, this week, or all time to review the amount of money you spent. As we mentioned, it’s an app that provides the basic function of looking at your expenses up close so that you can see how much money goes away from you.
Ratings for Expenses Simple Tracker App:
Google Playstore users rated this app with 4.1 out of five total points. The users who gave it a positive reference liked it because of it’s non-nonsense and bare-bones operation. It’s not an app that someone needs to take a tutorial on. It’s a quick way to document one’s expenses and keep a better mental note of how his or her money is being used. The app is free for anyone who wishes to download it and give it a try.
4. iSave Money

The iSave Money app is an app that we feel is more geared toward advanced users. It has a complex interface that takes much more effort to set up. Users must go into the menus to manually take away from their income when they pay their bills. It’s packed with features, and it will probably be enjoyable to someone who has experience with such budgeting apps. The app has a ton of extra features that make it more useful and interesting than usual. Some of the key features include bank reconciliations, estimator tool, budget merging, labels, analytics, and more.
Ratings for iSave Money App
Users gave this app an overall rating of 4.7 out of five stars, which is an extremely high rating. Most users who rated it highly appreciated its great details. Users who didn’t care too much for it only had minimal complaints about the color scheme and the lack of a running balance on certain loans. App developers are constantly collecting feedback and trying to make their products more useful and user-friendly. There may be some updates to the app in the near future. We still feel as though it will work well for some people.
5. Easy Budget

We recommend the Easy Budget app as one of the best apps to track spending. We thought it was very detailed but yet not too complicated for first-time users to spend time with.
The first thing the app will ask you to do when you initially download it is to choose your currency. Next, you’ll estimate how much money you have in your bank account or on your person. Don’t worry, as this part is easy to adjust.
After you enter your cash and complete a few other details, you can start to enter your monthly expenses. You can set them up as recurring expenses that will show on a calendar display. A calendar is always helpful because it gives you a visual look at everything you have to pay throughout the month. You can delete single items as you pay them, or you can edit them and adjust the balances. They will automatically show up on the calendar as due for the next month unless you delete the recurrences. The app has a regular and a premium version. The premium version has a fee, and it comes with the monthly report feature if you need it for your business.
Ratings for Easy Budget
Easy Budget is an app by Benoit Letondor. Google Playstore users gave it an overall rating of 4.6 points out of five points. Users who favored the app said that they liked its user interface, and they also appreciate it for its running balances. Not many people disliked the app, but the ones who did felt like it should have had a few multiple features. We experimented with it, and we think it’s a great option if you want to be able to physically see the money you owe and watch your expenses go down as you pay them.
6. Digit

The Digit app is one that we thought was interesting. It’s more of a savings app than it is an expense tracker. While it does analyze and track your spending, it’s primary goal is to save you money. Downloading the app only takes a few seconds, and then you can sign up and connect a bank account that you feel comfortable connecting.
When you’re done with that, the app will automatically start analyzing your spending habits and finding ways to save you money. It saves money by transferring funds from your bank account to your Digit account whenever you have “extra” money. You’re the one who gets to set the threshold for what the app considers as “extra money.” It will ask you the amount of money you want to have in your bank account before the app removes any of your funds. So let’s say you set an amount of $500. That means that the digit app will not take anything from you unless it sees that you have more than $500 in your account. It will remove $10 and put it into your digit account if one day it sees that you have $510.
The Digit account is an excellent bank account to have as it has many great features. Some of the features are unlimited saving goals, daily updates, bank-level encryption, and FDIC insurance for the funds in your Digit account.
Ratings for Digit
Users seem to really appreciate the app. They’ve given it an overall score of 4.6 points out of a possible five points. The users who left positive notes about it did so mostly because they appreciated the features that it came with, as well as its effectiveness in saving them money. We recommend the app to you if saving money is your primary goal.
7. Money Manager App

The Money Manager App is a great choice if you’re looking for the best apps for tracking expenses that have tons of other features. This is much more than an expense app. It can keep track of your bills, income, expenses, budget, and accounts. You can also create a myriad of reports to get the big picture of your financial profile. We’ve placed it in a category of some of the more complex apps. It might be right for you if you’re looking for something that offers far more than the basic apps do.
Ratings for Money Manager App
The Google Playstore users gave this one a rating of 4.7 out of five stars. The fans of it loved it for its recurring bill feature and its various analysis features. We recommend it if you’re looking for an app that’s much more comprehensive than some of the other ones.
Contact Us for Additional Help
Now you know some of the best apps to track spending available. We’re glad we could assist you with that. However, that’s not all we do. We could point you in the direction of some additional apps if you didn’t find that any of these were helpful.
We could also assist you with other personal finance areas, such as linking you with investment specialists who can help you grow your money. And if need be, we are also connected to a variety of lenders. We’re not a lender but we associate with a network of professionals who assist people in all classes and credit brackets.
Whatever your needs, at Goalry Inc. we have a store for that! All you need to do is contact us by phone or via a short form to get started. One of our agents will take your information and then tailor a solution that will work for you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to help you out!

Timiarah Spriggs is a personal finance writer who specializes in credit score growth and smart budgeting. She share budgeting, saving, and financial planning advice with various renowned finance shows, podcasts, and finance sites. Timiarah discovered the world of personal finance out of necessity. Her passion lies in helping consumers stay afloat in the world of finance and become masters of their profiles.