7 Finance Books For Beginners That Are On The Money

The realm of personal finance is one in which every consumer needs to excel. Being knowledgable about personal finance topics can help a person to navigate through life and get a firm grasp on saving, credit attainment, house purchasing, investments, and the like. Finance books are amazing resources for finding information about personal finances. You’ll need to have some resourceful books by your side to fully understand the scope of money management and how you can master your own destiny.
The following is a list of seven finance books for beginners that are on the money. They’re great for anyone who is new to understanding any aspects of finance and wants to start with something basic to get ahead in life. Take some time to read through the list and consider grabbing some of these for yourself.
1. The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey

The Total Money Makeover: Classic Edition: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey is an excellent choice if you’re looking for an education on budgeting and saving money. The book currently sits in first place on Amazon’s book site in the categories of education finance, credit ratings & repair, and education funding.
The book covers a variety of topics and delves deeply into each area of finance. The first chapter covers a “total money makeover challenge” that challenges the reader to try some of the suggestions in the book and see how he or she fares with them.
The second chapter looks at a problem that most consumers have, which is denial. Many consumers can’t better their financial profiles because they refuse to acknowledge that a problem exists in the first place. The next two chapters cover some of the most common myths about debt and money in general. The entire book has 13 chapters and worksheets that readers can use to help them perfect their process of managing their funds. It’s one of the most comprehensive finance books on the market.
Consumers were highly pleased with the contents of the book. Many of them rated it with five stars. It has an overall rating of 4.5 stars from more than 9,800 readers. Users who gave it high ratings said that the steps mentioned in the book worked well for them. Some consumers stated that they saw results in as few as 30 days from when they were finished reading. They also stated that it was easy to read and understand.
The average price of this book is about $17. It might be well worth it to invest in obtaining some knowledge from it.
To have a first look at Dave Ramsey’s advice, you can check The Dave Ramsey Show, or have a look at this video summarizing some of his tips to get relief from debt:
2. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns by John C Boogle

Investments are another aspect of personal finance that you will need to familiarize yourself with. The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns by John C Boogle is a great way to start. The book has been around for longer than 10 years and has had great success in helping people to understand the world of investing. It teaches the reader about the various types of investments and how to make those investments work for him or her. Its primary purpose is to help the reader to successfully build a diversified portfolio that will succeed and bring that personal wealth over time.
Ultimately, the reader will learn how to earn a passive income that will allow that individual to relax later in life instead of having to work hard every day for the funds. The average cost of the book is $16, and some professionals have dubbed it as an investment “bible” of sorts.
Consumers were quite pleased with the information they found in this book, as well. More than 1,100 people rated it, and their ratings came out to an average of 4.7 stars out of five. Commenters said that they found this leader of finance books to be a fantastic option for a person new to investing. Other people said that the advice was simple, sound, and best suited for employees who had 401k accounts through their employers. Still, more people said that it was an excellent choice for all working people.
It sounds like a perfect choice for someone who wants to start investing some money to build something for the future.
3. The Smartest Retirement Book You’ll Ever Read by Daniel R. Solin

Retirement is something that every person has to think about at some point in life. That’s why it’s smart to read a highly rated finance book that covers retirement accounts. The Smartest Retirement Book You’ll Ever Read by Daniel R. Solin is one of the best choices you can make because of the extensive number of topics it covers. The price of the book is $4.99 on Kindle, and it has a rating of 4.3 out of five stars.
(I) The first part of the book covers the overall topic of retirement investing. It discusses the processes of inflation and deflation, and it covers conservative investing and whether it’s a smart way to start.
(II) The second part of the book talks about how to pick stocks, and it covers topics such as ETFs and some common broker secrets that they don’t share with their clients.
(III) The third part of the book spends a great deal of time on the topic of bonds, and the next part of the book talks more about cash and money market funds. This extensive manual has 14 parts, and it ends with a list of golden rules to live by in the world of investments.
Consumers had an overall positive experience with the book. Many reviewers found it easy to read and easy to consume the information that’s in it. Other commenters said that it was a strong foundation for retirement planning. It looks like it would be well worth the small investment to have a look at this book. You might end up with more knowledge about investing than you ever imagined you would have.
4. 101 Weird Ways to Make Money: Cricket Farming, Repossessing Cars, and Other Jobs With Big Upside and Not Much Competition by Steve Gillman

Sometimes, it’s best to go against the grain and find out ways to make money that aren’t very common. That’s why we recommend that you read 101 Weird Ways to Make Money: Cricket Farming, Repossessing Cars, and Other Jobs With Big Upside and Not Much Competition by Steve Gillman. It’s one of the personal finance books that will explain to you more than 100 ways that you can make money and not have to deal with competition.
The book discusses various “off the cuff” jobs that you can do if you want to earn extra income. Two examples of such jobs are selling writing services and selling domain names.
It also talks about how to make money from home. The book is a no-nonsense guide for people who want to increase their income in a significantly fast amount of time. Making money is a valuable part of a person’s financial profile. Therefore, we’ve placed this book high on our recommendation list. The more income streams you can get started, the easier your life will be. This book will lead you into a journey that will help you discover new streams and opportunities.
Readers and reviewers rated the book with an average of four stars over 75 reviews. The consumers who found the book helpful said that they mostly appreciated it for its list of low-overhead business ventures and its honest delivery of what it said that it would provide to the readers. Other people found the job suggestions interesting and fun. It’s certainly not a “get rich” manual, but it can help the average person to graduate from a struggling consumer into someone who has more control of his or her funds.
Of course, if you are looking for building other streams of income, you can still have a look at our blog dedicated to the top side jobs you can do from home!
5. Insurance for Dummies by Jack Hungelmann

All people should have their hands on a good finance book that covers various insurance policies. Insurance is a part of life, and just about every consumer will need car, health, life, and home insurance at one point or another. Insurance for Dummies by Jack Hungelmann is an excellent beginner’s guide for understanding the complex world of insurance.
The “Dummy” series is an assortment of books that explains certain topics in laymen’s terms. This book does a fantastic job of introducing the reader to all types of insurance as well as explaining the claims process and how to navigate healthcare policies.
(I) The first chapter is an introduction to insurance and how it works. It walks the reader through choosing an insurance policy that’s right and getting the best deal on the insurance that he or she chooses.
(II) The second chapter covers different types of automobile insurance, such as car, R.V., and boat insurance.
(IV) The next part talks about umbrella insurance and how it can fill in the gaps when other policies don’t. The entire book has six parts to it. The cost for this particular book is an average of $20.
Insurance for Dummies has an overall rating of 4.2 stars out of 5 stars from more than 90 people. The persons who appreciated the book gave a myriad of positive comments about it. Such people stated that the book helped them to study for state exams. Some of them felt that it was a good starting point for a person who wants to start buying insurance. Other said that it was a fantastic guide. It will undoubtedly be an asset to you if you want to develop a well-rounded knowledge of personal finance topics.
6. The P.I.L.L. Method: A Better Way To Eliminate Debt by Don Daniel

The P.I.L.L. Method: A Better Way To Eliminate Debt by Don Daniel is an amazing finance book for a person to have in his or her possession. Debt is a field that even the wisest of consumers can quickly lose hold of if that person doesn’t have a strategy in place. The P.I.L.L. Method: A Better Way To Eliminate Debt explains an alternative debt elimination method. The author claims that the new P.I.L.L. method is much more useful than some of the old techniques, such as the avalanche method and others like it.
The books starts out explaining what the P.I.L.L. method is and why the idea of writing a P.I.L.L. method book came about. The next part of the book describes the bank’s method of paying down debt versus the P.I.L.L. method. The book goes on to talk about various topics such as principal prepayment, leverage, expert advice, and financial technology. The author writes to the book from a Christian perspective and encourages consumers to try the P.I.L.L. method to get charge of their lives once again. The book has an overall rating of 4.3 out of five stars from 34 people.
Reviewers seemed to be blown away by the information that they read in this book. One reviewer referenced the information as “earth-shattering” and said that homeowners could save thousands of dollars just by taking some advice in the text. Another reviewer said that it was an eye-opener and well worth the read. Other reviewers said that they found the information worth a try and gave them an excellent experience. The price of the book is less than $20, and it appears that it can be a real lifesaver for a person who is seeking to manage debt quickly.
7. The Complete Book of Wills, Estates & Trusts, Third Edition by Alexander A. Bove

At some point in one’s life, that person will have to think about estate planning and wills. The Complete Book of Wills, Estates & Trusts, Third Edition by Alexander A. Bove is an excellent choice that consumers need to read for information on the processes of estate planning. The book will take the reader on a long journey of understanding of some of the most crucial parts of personal finance. The cost of this particular book is an average of $15, and it has a 4.5 out of 5-star rating.
The first part of this book covers wills extensively. It goes over the question of whether or not one needs a will. It talks about the probate process and how it advances. Furthermore, it covers the various properties and assets that one would distribute in the will. Readers will also find details about burial provisions, special allowances, and charities. Additionally, some chapters cover how a person changes his or her will after a living will exists. The entire book has 14 chapters and more than 300 pages.
Readers had an overall positive attitude toward the information they found in the book. About 67 percent of the people who left reviews felt that it had five-star quality. Positive reviewers said that they found it to be a fantastic read. Many readers said that they understood estate planning much more after they read the book. Some readers mentioned the in-depth explanation of the legal processes that they needed to understand to help them navigate through their lives. It’s a “must-read” book that everyone should have as a part of his or her financial profile.
The Importance of a Comprehensive Personal Finance Library
The books mentioned above are just the tip of the iceberg to gaining a wealth of knowledge about personal finance. As a consumer, you should have a solid foundation of resources, such as finance books and a savings advice blog about managing your finances in every way. If you think that you need some help on your path to achieve your financial goal, feel free to contact us!
Having close contact with professionals who can guide you in your journey toward financial health can be really useful. And do not hesitate to use this blog as a library full of resources that you can lean on if you want to learn about additional personal finance topics.
In Conclusion
Now you know at least seven finance books that will be excellent resources for you if you want to learn more about managing your personal finances.
You can contact us to find additional information and resources that pertain to finance. We are a longstanding organization that connects consumers with the financial products and services that they need. We are not a lender. However, we are highly dedicated to helping our clients find clarity and stability with their finances. One of our trusted agents can help you find personal loans, consolidation loans, home and auto loans, and more. You can also use our resources to learn more about building your credit score and personal finance profile. You can reach out and ask us for help by telephone, online form, or a personal visit, and we’ll assist you right away. Don’t hesitate to lean on us for assistance.

Timiarah Spriggs is a personal finance writer who specializes in credit score growth and smart budgeting. She share budgeting, saving, and financial planning advice with various renowned finance shows, podcasts, and finance sites. Timiarah discovered the world of personal finance out of necessity. Her passion lies in helping consumers stay afloat in the world of finance and become masters of their profiles.