Life is expensive and sometimes your income just doesn’t keep up with your spending. This can happen for a lot of different reasons. Sometimes an expensive emergency has come up that is just not affordable. Sometimes job situations change and that impacts salaries or bonuses or tips. The cost of housing or utilities might have gone ...
Carla Turchetti
Author: Carla Turchetti
Carla Turchetti is a personal finance writer who lives in a world where dollars make sense. Some of her favorite topics include financial planning, budgeting, understanding taxes and the ins and outs of running a small business. Carla's thoughts on money matters have appeared across digital, print and broadcast platforms including American Express OPEN Forum, Intuit's Blog for Small Business, CanDo Finance, Progressive Insurance, Northwestern Mutual, Insperity, Kabbage and the Raleigh News & Observer. Carla budgets as much as she can to fuel her mad online shopping habit.