In the world of credit cards, Visa and Mastercard stand as two giants. Each offering a range of financial products that shape the way consumers handle transactions globally. Consumers should delve into the Visa or Mastercard debate and understand both similarities and key differences. When you’re choosing between Visa or Mastercard, you should have pertinent ...
Katherine Davis
Author: Katherine Davis
Katherine Davis is a freelance writer specializing in the subjects of finance, banking, and investment. Based in New York City, Katherine's experiences combating the Big Apple’s outrageous real estate costs and living expenses have provided her with some great budgeting insights on stretching a dollar. A graduate of Penn State University, Katherine advises millennials to be disciplined when it comes to their finances and to start investing as soon as possible.
Online shopping is typically associated with credit card usage. However, consumers should know that it’s possible to make purchases online without a credit card. You should know how to buy things online without a credit card if you enjoy online shopping. Knowing How to Buy Things Online Without a Credit Card Consumers may want to ...
The higher your income is, the easier it will be to get ahead financially. Fortunately, there are plenty of high income skills out there that can be readily acquired. It just takes a bit of effort to learn some invaluable skills that will put you ahead and boost your earning power. By learning about the ...
Educating yourself is an important part of financial success. You may find it much easier to achieve your financial goals if you read money mindset books. To do so, there are many books out there that are highly informative for those looking to make money. If you want to succeed then you should start reading the ...
Being the plaintiff in a lawsuit can be frustrating. Lawsuit plaintiffs are often in need of funds because they are faced with many bills and other expenses. At the same time, many plaintiffs are almost guaranteed to receive a settlement or compensation in the near future. It’s frustrating to know that funds are coming but ...
It’s not uncommon for a recipient of social security to want a cash advance. You should know that you can borrow even if your only income is from social security. Fortunately, it’s possible to get cash advance for social security recipients. If you rely on social security, you should still be able to qualify for some loans ...
Going into business for yourself is one of the best ways to maximize your earning potential. If you’re successful at running a business, you may earn more than you did with a company job. However, you might not know where to get started if you’ve never run a business before. It’s time to research the best ...
Our smartphones can make so many things easier these days. One great perk of having a smartphone is being able to use apps. If you’re looking to improve your cash flow and personal finances, perhaps an app can help. There are a lot of personal finance and budgeting apps available these days. These apps can ...
There are many opportunities out there for borrowing online. However, a lot of fast cash loans online should be avoided. As a consumer, it’s up to you to educate yourself about loan products. Many loans out there can help you financially. However, others might leave you in a bad financial situation. The more informed you ...
The average person is going to go through some financial struggles at some point in life. Economic depression and job layoffs are just two of the many types of financial obstacle that can come up. Those who have the money skills to handle these situations enjoy the most success. People are especially focused on overcoming financial hardships in ...