How to Find Free Money When You Need Help Paying Bills
Need help paying bills large or small? We’ve got answers to it all. Or at the least, we can get you started. Check out our tips below for when you need help paying bills in the most efficient manner. Or, heck, perhaps you even know someone who does….
Free Money When You Need Help Paying Rent
If you find yourself in deep debt waters with the sharks, and simply don’t know how to pay the next rent check — perhaps even counting on a miracle out of the blue — not to worry. There is still hope from places that help with rent and other living expenses. And in this case, that may be in the form of your local state rental health programs. See what they can provide to those who are in their worst pitfalls.
Regardless of the major U.S. city you live closest to, you will still find that these types of programs (called rental assistance programs, more formally) are quite spread out. All states have these, and so do most major metropolitan areas — that’s lucky for you.

You just have to do a bit of research in finding one. Your local city county will be able to give you the further guidance you need on how, when and where to reach out to the closest one nearest you. And what specifically can these kinds of programs do, you might wonder? Great question…..
They can, for one, fund back into any rent that’s been due in order to prevent the process of your eviction. Sounds like a true relief, right? It is, and it works. But to further add, certain programs even offer security deposit assistance and could also cover any part of, or even the entire (depending on a case – by – case scenario) first month’s rent. It can’t hurt to try if you’ve got nowhere else to go, so give it a shot; you might even find yourself more fortunate than you had initially expected. Reach out and don’t be shy.
Rental Assistance Eligibility
In addition, keep in mind that certain standard eligibility requirements will still follow in regards to many of these kinds of assistance programs, and assistance can even be limited to 1 year at a time. For instance, Washington state will allow just about anyone to get emergency rent help, given that they qualify. But on the other hand, D.C. itself only mainly focuses on helping entire families, senior citizens or those disabled. It all depends on where you are when you apply, as well, so don’t forget to factor that into the equation. Always check your demographics and the market area you’re in, first, before reaching forward and getting help.
Free Money When you Need Help With Paying Utility Bills
Yes, do not be alarmed, free money to paying bills does actually exist, in this sense, and there really can be no strings attached. Want to know how, exactly? Well, keep reading as I’m about to shine a spark of light into your dark situation, and you’ll like what’s next…..
First of all, you’ve likely heard of Section 8 programs, right? These types of special assistance blessings can do so much for your need, at present, including setting you up with a nice little housing voucher and perhaps even a few tokens so you can ride the bus. Their goal is to get you up and running in the right direction, understanding that being job – less, home – less or any other type of _____ – less is never a fun thing. They never like to see anyone in the dumps; that’s not what living’s all about.
Government Assistant Rental Programs
And guess what else? The U.S. Govt. itself is what sponsors most of these, at least the major, publicly funded ones. So you can trust they’re legitimate. Furthermore, a whole bunch of these vouchers work in much the same way, or even very similarly.
They can typically cover the difference needed between about 30 % of your entire household’s income, when you apply, as well as your family’s applicable market rate rent quota, respectively. And if you walk into any property offering such assistance (to find out if they do or don’t, you just have to ask….call ahead if you like. That’ll save you time.), then make sure to see if you qualify, what they’ll cover and what their policy differences are.

Let’s say, to give a better example, that your particular family so happens to make appx. $20,000 annually. Then, on those terms, expect it to have to pay around $6,000 every year, which is like $500 a month, for its utilities and rent alone. That sounds more than doable here, right? And you were perhaps willing to have to pay more…..
There’s also places like the wonderful Salvation Army, which has spread hope into people’s lives for many decades now. They offer referrals, counseling on budgeting or other issues (emotional, physical, financial or spiritual), and even transitional housing units of a temporary nature. They’re definitely worth a shot, and you can likely find a location in your nearest downtown city limits.
If you’ve especially been struggling to stay in your home, much more put food on the table, this could become a quick solution that works for you.
How to Get Help With Your Debt
When it comes to debt relief, repair, education, or anything else, there’s many great sources online you can go to. They say “knowledge is power” (though it may not be quite known who started that saying), and it’s so true….now more than ever in times past. And that, when translated to your financial situation, good or bad, simply means the following. The more you know, the wiser you become. And thus, the more power and control over your life that you will truly begin to have.
And the link above shows you just one great resource you can use for all things debt. It knows the ins and outs of it, because its experts have studied the topic for many years. The site, as you may later notice, even offers a debt calculator and adjustor of its own. This means you can ‘crunch in’ those numbers and see how they pan out when deciding on how best to do your next budget.
And moreover, even basic tips — which you may have heard over a million times while growing up — can come in handy here, such as how or when best to put that dollar away, back into your pocket, or when to pull it out and spend, spend, spend.
How to Manage Your Debt
Expert advice from many finance gurus, like Suze Orman or Dave Ramsey, might even be found in some of the content on that site. truly knows everything when it comes to debt solutions that are made to help people in the long run. No one ever likes to see anyone else in debt, not even the credit card companies with their high APR and interest – bearing monthly premiums. It’s disgusting just to think about, but it is still a part of the world we live in. Let’s embrace it for what it is and teach ourselves, instead, how to better cope with it….taking in the good with the bad.
Personal Finance apps also lets you add in all kinds of accounts you hold, be it with a credit bureau, a bank or other financial institution, a lender of small cash loans, or something else that may have to do with finances. It’s all about keeping all your accounts in one spot, so that you always know where your money is going. In summary, on that note, check them out.
In Conclusion
So you need help paying bills, then? We hope this thoughtful, well-curated advice has at least given you a firm footing….or gotten you off on the right path. Practice it, and hopefully, someone else now (and not you, because you’ve just applied our advice) will need help paying bills. And you can pitch in to lend a hand, based on everything you’ve just learned. Spread the information, and let’s make this world a better place —- one financial step at a time. Isn’t progress sweet?
And remember: You’re not alone. Thousands upon thousands of people face bills every month. It’s all about how you handle…..

Grace Douglas is a master candidate in international security management by day and a personal finance writer by night! With powers in finance, writing, and languages that she received by being exposed to high dosages of university courses and being bitten by booklice while working in a rare books library, Grace loves to use her powers for good rather than evil. If you need help with budgets or personal loan questions, then just call Grace, your friendly neighborhood FinanceWoman!