When you look for other ways to make fast cash, you might look at the 1,000 pounds of aluminum and steel sitting in your driveway on four tires. Many drivers on the US roads earn extra money by driving. We’ll help you weigh your options using Uber vs Lyft. Some drive a cab, but most ...
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When you plan to start out on your career path, security and long term financial planning are not the only things on your mind. Other things to include in your priority list include paying rent, servicing loans, paying for living expenses and being financially independent. However, thinking about all that can be overwhelming, even after ...
You work so hard every day to ensure you have money in your pockets. It affords you a particular lifestyle, and you can take care of your bills without any problems. It feels amazing to be able to take care of yourself without depending on other people. However, you always find that even before the ...
Everyone wants to make money. If you tell me that you do not, I probably will not believe you. Let’s be real, we all want to have a car, a house, food to eat and clothes on our backs. These items all require money. In addition to being able to buy extra items, you need ...
For so long now, the US has been considered the land of opportunity. Dream place to live. Over the past decades, we have welcomed people from different places and offered them a safe place to live where they can achieve their goals. The American Dream is the universal ideal that anyone can become successful and ...
I have a dream. Well, I have a few, but one of them is to get out of- and stay out of- debt. The problem is that most of my debt is student loans, and I do not make anywhere near the amount I owe. If I am to be truthful, I feel like I ...
Finding the person you want to spend the rest of your life with is amazing. It is a wonderful feeling to know that there is someone who will always have your back and will always listen to you when you talk about your dreams and fears. Having a partner means never being alone. For everyone, ...
We live in a world where just about everything is accessible to us on our phones. Plenty of people play out their entire lives posting and blogging. There are plenty of people who think that has hurt society and created a world of people that cannot communicate. No matter how you feel about it, you ...
Selling unwanted items at a garage sale is the perfect way to get rid of some unused items in your home for some extra fast cash. If you want to make more money during a garage sale, there are some things you can do. Whether you need money to pay bills or want to kick start your emergency ...
Everywhere you look today, it seems people write or talk about their side gig. In the 1970s and 80s, nearly every family became a two income family by both spouses working. In the 2000s, you cannot wait to get married to obtain a second income. That leaves it to each person to implement a side ...